Thread Synchronization with Kernel Objects
Event Kernel
When a manual-reset event is signaled, all threads waiting
on the event become schedulable. When an auto-reset event is signaled, only one
of the threads waiting on the event becomes schedulable.
Semaphore Kernel
They contain a usage count, as all kernel objects do, but
they also contain two additional signed 32-bit values: a maximum resource count
and a current resource count.
The rules for a semaphore are as follows
If the current resource count is greater than 0,
the semaphore is signaled.
If the current resource count is 0, the
semaphore is nonsignaled.
The system never allows the current resource
count to be negative.
The current resource count can never be greater
than the maximum resource count.
When you use a semaphore, do not confuse the semaphore
object's usage count with its current resource count.
Test-and-set operation is done atomically; that is, when you
request a resource from a semaphore, the operating system checks whether the
resource is available and decrements the count of available resources without
letting another thread interfere
There is just no way to get the current resource count of a
semaphore without altering it.
Mutex Kernel
A mutex object contains a usage count, a thread ID, and a
recursion counter.
The rules for a mutex are as follows:
If the thread ID is 0 (an invalid thread ID),
the mutex is not owned by any thread and is signaled.
If the thread ID is nonzero, a thread owns the
mutex and the mutex is nonsignaled
Unlike all the other kernel objects, mutexes
have special code in the operating system that allows them to violate the
normal rules.
o The
system checks to see whether the thread attempting to acquire the mutex has the
same thread ID as recorded inside the mutex object. If the thread IDs match,
the system allows the thread to remain schedulable—even though the mutex was
o When
a mutex becomes abandoned, the system automatically resets the mutex object's
thread ID to 0 and its recursion counter to 0.
Other Thread
Synchronization Functions
This function waits until the process identified by hProcess
has no input pending in the thread that created the application's first window.
The SignalObjectAndWait function signals a kernel
object and waits on another kernel object in a single atomic operation:
Thread Pooling
The new thread pooling functions let you do the following:
Call functions asynchronously
Call functions at timed intervals
Call functions when single kernel objects become
Call functions when asynchronous I/O requests
accomplish these tasks, the thread pool consists of four separate components.
Table 11-1 shows the components and describes the rules that govern their
11-1. Thread pool components and their behavior
Initial Number of Threads
Always 1
When a Thread Is Created
When first thread pool timer function is called
One thread for every 63 registered objects
The system uses heuristics, but here are some factors that
affect the creation of a thread:
When a Thread is Destroyed
When a process terminates
When the number of registered wait objects is 0
When the thread has no pending I/O requests and has been idle
for a threshold period (about a minute)
When the thread is idle for a threshold period (about a minute)
How a Thread Waits
What Wakes Up a Thread
Waitable timer is signaled queuing a user APC
Kernal object becomes signaled
Queued user APC or completed I/O request
Posted completion status or completed I/O request (The
completion port allows at most 2 * number of CPUs threads to run
Windows Memory Architecture
How a Virtual Address
Space Is Partitioned
NULL-Pointer Assignment
DOS/16-bit Windows Application Compatibility
64-KB Off-Limits (Windows 2000 Only)
Shared Memory-Mapped File (MMF)(only Windows 98)
Using the /3GB switch reduces the number of threads, stacks,
and other resources that the system can create. In addition, the system can
only use a maximum of 16 GB of RAM vs. the normal maximum of 64 GB because
there isn't enough virtual address space in kernel mode to manage the
additional RAM.
when you invoke an application, the system opens the
application's .exe file and determines the size of the application's code and
data. Then the system reserves a region of address space and notes that the
physical storage associated with this region is the .exe file itself. That's
right—instead of allocating space from the paging file, the system uses the
actual contents, or image, of the .exe file as the program's reserved
region of address space. This, of course, makes loading an application very
fast and allows the size of the paging file to remain small.
Protection Attributes
you should not pass either PAGE_WRITECOPY or PAGE_
EXECUTE_WRITECOPY when you are reserving address space or committing physical
storage using the VirtualAlloc function. Doing so will cause the call to
VirtualAlloc to fail; calling GetLastError returns ERROR_
INVALID_PARAMETER. These two attributes are used by the operating system when
it maps .exe and DLL file images.
Special Access Protection
Attribute Flags
PAGE_NOCACHE : it exists mostly for hardware
device driver developers who need to manipulate memory buffers
PAGE_WRITECOMBINE : is also for device driver
developers. It allows multiple writes to a single device to be combined together
in order to improve performance
PAGE_GUARD : allows an application to receive a
notification (via an exception) when a byte on a page has been written to.
The Importance of
Data Alignment
you can still tell the system to silently correct misaligned
data accesses for all threads in your process by having one of your process's
threads call the SetErrorMode (SEM_NOALIGNMENTFAULTEXCEPT) function.
Changing this flag affects all threads contained within the
process that owns the thread that makes the call.
You should also note that a process's error mode flags are
inherited by any child processes. Therefore, you might want to temporarily
reset this flag before calling the CreateProcess function (although you
usually don't do this).
For x86 systems, this flag is always on and cannot be
turned off. For Alpha systems, you can turn this flag off only if the
EnableAlignmentFaultExceptions registry value is set to 1.
Microsoft's C/C++ compiler for the Alpha supports a special
keyword called _ _unaligned
You use the _ _unaligned modifier just as you would
use the const or volatile modifiers except that the _
_unaligned modifier is only meaningful when applied to pointer variables.
When you access data via an unaligned pointer, the compiler generates code that
assumes that the data is not aligned properly and adds the additional CPU
instructions necessary to access the data.
the _ _unaligned keyword is not supported by the x86
version of the Visual C/C++ compiler.
So, if you are trying to create a single source code base
for your application, you'll want to use the UNALIGNED macro instead of the _
_unaligned keyword.
Exploring Virtual Memory
System Information
The GetSystemInfo function retrieves the values
relevant to the host machine.
Virtual Memory Status
A Windows function called GlobalMemoryStatus
retrieves dynamic information about the current state of memory
If you anticipate that your application will run on machines
with more than 4 GB of RAM or if the total swap file size might be larger than
4 GB, you may want to use the new GlobalMemoryStatusEx function:
Determining the State
of an Address Space
function is called VirtualQuery
Windows also offers a function that allows one process to
query memory information about another process: VirtualQueryEx
Using Virtual Memory in Your Own Applications
Windows offers three mechanisms for manipulating memory:
Virtual memory, which is best for managing large
arrays of objects or structures
Memory-mapped files, which are best for managing
large streams of data (usually from files) and for sharing data between
multiple processes running on a single machine
Heaps, which are best for managing large numbers
of small objects
Reserving a Region in
an Address Space
You reserve a region in your process's address space by
calling VirtualAlloc:
System rounds that address down to a multiple of 64 KB
You cannot use the protection attribute flags PAGE_GUARD,
PAGE_NOCACHE, or PAGE_WRITECOMBINE when reserving regions—they can be used only
with committed storage.
you can specify a different protection attribute than the
ones used at the time of reserving
Call the VirtualFree function
When releasing a region, you must release all the address
space that was reserved by the region.
You must pass 0 for the dwSize parameter or the call
to VirtualFree will fail.
Changing Protection
You can alter the protection rights of a page of memory by
calling VirtualProtect:
flNewProtect can represent any one of the PAGE_*
protection attribute identifiers except for PAGE_WRITECOPY and
Address Windowing
Extensions (Windows 2000 only)
Microsoft had two goals when creating AWE:
Allow applications to allocate RAM that is never
swapped by the operating system to or from disk.
Allow an application to access more RAM than
fits within the process's address space.
One limitation of AWE is that all storage mapped to the address
window must be readable and writable.
A Thread's Stack
By default, the system reserves 1 MB of address space and
commits 2 pages of storage.
Memory-Mapped Files
Injecting a DLL Using
Remote Threads
Injecting a DLL with
a Trojan DLL
Injecting a DLL as a
Injecting Code with
Termination Handlers
With SEH, you can separate the main job from the
error-handling chores.
Don't confuse structured exception handling with C++
exception handling. C++ exception handling is a different form of exception
handling, a form that makes use of the C++ keywords catch and throw.
Microsoft's Visual C++ also supports C++ exception handling and is implemented
internally by taking advantage of the structured exception handling capabilities
already present in the compiler and in Windows operating systems.
SEH really consists of two main capabilities: termination
handling and exception handling.
A termination handler guarantees that a block of code (the
termination handler) will be called and executed regardless of how another
section of code (the guarded body) is exited.
The _ _try and _ _finally keywords delineate
the two sections of the termination handler.
A call to ExitThread or ExitProcess will
immediately terminate the thread or process without executing any of the code
in a finally block.
Code in a finally block always starts executing as a
result of one of these three situations
Normal flow of control from the try block into
the finally block
Local unwind: premature exit from the try block
(goto, longjump, continue, break, return, and so on) forcing control to the finally
a global unwind—occurred without explicit
To determine which of the three possibilities caused the finally
block to execute, you can call the intrinsic
function AbnormalTermination:
This intrinsic function can be called only from inside a finally
block and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the try block
associated with the finally block was exited prematurely.
It is impossible to determine whether a finally block
is executing because of a global or a local unwind
Exception Handlers and Software Exceptions
Whenever you create a try block, it must be followed
by either a finally block or an except block. A try block
can't have both a finally block and an except block, and a try
block can't have multiple finally or except blocks. However, it
is possible to nest try-finally blocks inside try-except blocks
and vice versa.
Unlike termination handlers (discussed in the previous
chapter), exception filters and exception handlers are executed directly by the
operating system—the compiler has little to do with evaluating exception
filters or executing exception handlers.
When this exception is raised, the system will locate the
beginning of the except block and evaluate the exception filter
expression, an expression that must evaluate to one of the following three
The system performs a global unwind,jumps to the code inside
the except block. After the code inside the except block finishes
executing, control resumes at the first instruction after the except
Global Unwinds
When an exception filter evaluates to
EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, the system must perform a global unwind. The
global unwind causes all of the outstanding try-finally blocks that
started executing below the try-except block that handles the exception
to resume execution.
It's possible to stop the system from completing a global
unwind by putting a return statement inside a finally block. It
means that the code inside exception block is not executed.
When the system sees EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION, it jumps
back to the instruction that generated the exception and tries to execute it
This identifier tells the system to walk up to the previous try
block that's matched with an except block and call this previous try
block's exception filter.
Any try blocks that are matched with finally
blocks instead of except blocks are skipped by the system while it walks
up the chain. The reason for this should be pretty obvious: finally
blocks don't have exception filters and therefore give the system nothing to
The GetExceptionCode intrinsic function can be called
only in an exception filter (between the parentheses following _ _except)
or inside an exception handler.
You cannot call GetExceptionCode from inside an
exception filter function.
When an exception occurs, the operating system pushes the
following three structures on the stack of the thread that raised the
CONTEXT structure
GetExceptionInformation can be called only in an exception filter.
Once control has been transferred to the exception handler, the data on the
stack is destroyed.
Software Exceptions
You simply call RaiseException to raise a software
Unfortunately, most developers do not get into the habit of
using exceptions for error handling.
There are two basic reasons for this. The first reason is
that most developers are unfamiliar with SEH. Even if one developer is
acquainted with it, other developers might not be. If one developer writes a
function that raises an exception but other developers don't write SEH frames
to trap the exception, the process will be terminated by the operating system.
The second reason why developers avoid SEH is that it is not
portable to other operating systems. Many companies target multiple operating
systems and would like to have a single source code base for their products,
which is certainly understandable. SEH is a Windows-specific technology.
Unhandled Exceptions and C++ Exceptions
Windows offers another function, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter,
which allows you to wrap all your thread functions in an SEH frame:
The UnhandledExceptionFilter function is a fully
documented Windows function that you can call directly from within your own
If you're writing a C++ application, you should use C++
exceptions instead of structured exceptions. The reason is that C++ exceptions
are part of the language and therefore the compiler knows what a C++ class
object is. This means that the compiler automatically generates code to call
C++ object destructors in order to guarantee object cleanup.
C++ exceptions can never be re-executed, and it would be an
error for a filter diagnosing a C++ exception to return
Catching Structured
Exceptions with C++
Window Messaging
The thread that creates a window must be the thread that
handles all messages for the window.
This also means that every thread that creates at least one
window is assigned a message queue by the system.
A Thread's Message
When a thread is first created, the system assumes that the
thread will not be used for any user interface_related tasks. This reduces the
system resources required by the thread. However, as soon as the thread calls a
graphical UI-related function (such as checking its message queue or creating a
window) the system automatically allocates some additional resources for the
thread so that it can perform its UI-related tasks. Specifically, the system
allocates a THREADINFO structure and associates this data structure with the
The THREADINFO structure is an internal, undocumented data
structure that identifies the thread's posted-message queue, send-message
queue, reply- message queue, virtualized-input queue, and wake flags, as well as
a number of variables that are used for the thread's local input state.
Posting Messages to a
Thread's Message Queue
When a thread calls PostMessage function, the system
determines which thread created the window identified by the hwnd
You can determine which thread created a window by calling GetWindowThreadProcessId
PostQuitMessage doesn't really post a message to any
of the THREADINFO structure's queues. Internally PostQuitMessage just
turns on the QS_QUIT wake flag (which I'll discuss later) and sets the nExitCode
member of the THREADINFO structure.
Sending Messages to a
Here is how SendMessage works. If the thread calling SendMessage
is sending a message to a window created by the same thread, SendMessage
is simple: it just calls the specified window's window procedure as a
subroutine. When the window procedure is finished processing the message, it
returns a value back to SendMessage. SendMessage returns this
value to the calling thread.
However, if a thread is sending a message to a window
created by another thread, the internal workings of SendMessage are far
more complicated.
Your thread is suspended while the other thread is
processing the message. The system must perform the actions discussed next.
First, the sent message is appended to the receiving
thread's send-message queue, which has the effect of setting the QS_SENDMESSAGE
flag for that thread.
Second, if the receiving thread is already processing a
message, system will not interrupt it. And when it is waiting for messages, the
system first checks to see whether the QS_SENDMESSAGE wake flag is set, and if
it is, the system scans the list of messages in the send-message queue to find
the first sent message. It is possible that several sent messages could pile up
in this queue.
While the receiving thread is processing the message, the
thread that called SendMessage is sitting idle, waiting for a message to
appear in its reply-message queue.
SendNotifyMessage places a message in the send-message
queue of the receiving thread and returns to the calling thread immediately.
SendNotifyMessage differs from PostMessage in
two ways.
Sent message has higher priority than the posted
It works same as SendMessage if the Window is
created by the calling thread.
ReplyMessage is called by the thread receiving the
window message. This is to inform the system that Window has completed enough
to know the result of the message processing. This needs to be called by the
Window Procedure.
ReplyMessage does nothing if you call it while
processing a message sent from the same thread.
The function InSendMessage returns TRUE if the thread is
processing an interthread sent message and FALSE if it is processing an
intrathread sent or posted message.
Waking a Thread
When a thread is running, it can query the status of its
queues by calling the DWORD GetQueueStatus(UINT fuFlags) function:
the fuFlags parameter tells GetQueueStatus the
types of messages to check for in the queues and result can be found in can be
found in the high word of the return value.
The low word indicates the types of messages that have been added to the
queue and that haven't been processed since the last call to GetQueueStatus,
GetMessage, or PeekMessage.
When a thread calls GetMessage or PeekMessage, the system
examines the state of thread’s queue
status flags and determine which message
should be processed.
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